


奖学金, 助教奖学金, 学费减免, and fellowships are awarded by the individual graduate schools or law school. 请查看您所在学校的网站,了解申请这些类型援助的信息和截止日期.  学生 are notified directly by their graduate school or department of their awards. 此外,还有 电子游戏正规平台生生活网站上的助学金信息. Recipients are encouraged to send a copy of their award letters or emails to hg1a.lidac.net/finaidupload.


Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students to help pay for the cost of a student's education.

With Direct Loans a student borrows directly from the Federal 政府ernment, who is your lender. 学生将有一个单一的联系点-你的贷款服务-与还款有关的一切, 即使你在不同的学校获得直接贷款. 你的贷款服务商可以是私人企业. 每个学生都可以通过服务机构的网站在线访问个人直接贷款账户信息. 学生可以从几个还款计划中进行选择,这些计划旨在满足几乎任何借款人的需求,如果他们的需求发生变化,他们可以切换还款计划.



If you have not previously received a Federal Direct Loan, the 政府ernment 需要 你需要完成电子游戏软件咨询,以确保你了解你所承担的责任和义务. 适用于电子游戏正规平台生和法律系学生, the entrance counseling will fulfill requirements for the Direct Unsubsidized Loans. 你可以在网上完成电子游戏软件咨询 studentaid.政府.


以前没有借过联邦直接贷款的电子游戏正规平台生和法律专业学生必须填写主本票(或然数)。. MPN是一份法律文件,在该文件中,你承诺向本署偿还贷款及任何应计利息和费用. 它还解释了贷款的条款和条件。. MPN可在网上完成,网址为 studentaid.政府. 你需要使用你的 FSA ID.

在大多数情况下, 一旦你提交了MPN并被接受, 你将不必为你将来收到的贷款填写新的MPN. 您将收到一份披露声明,其中包含学校计划在您的MPN下支付的任何贷款的具体信息, 包括贷款金额, 费用, 预计付款日期和金额. This disclosure statement will be sent to you from your loan servicer.


  • studentaid.政府——你.S. 教育部的联邦学生资助网站. 在此网页,你可以:
    • 申请FAFSA和FSA ID
    • 填写直接贷款电子主本票(或然数)
    • 完成直接贷款电子游戏软件咨询
    • View Disclosure Statements and other electronic loan correspondence
    • 申请电子游戏正规平台生PLUS贷款申请
    • 完成在线退出咨询
    • 访问国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)
    • 查找到其他工具和资源的链接
  • The 教育部's Direct Loan Applicant Services hotline: 800-557-7394


这是一项联邦补贴贷款计划,授予有经济需求的护理专业学生. 本金和利息(固定利率为5%)在您停止注册至少一半的九个月后开始偿还. 每月最低分期付款40美元.贷款必须在十年内还清.

你将被要求填写一份 主本票 (或然数)及相关披露材料. This is an electronic process; specific instructions will be emailed to you once the financial aid process is complete. Funds will be disbursed to your student account only after completion of all forms. Disbursements of this loan will be made in two equal installments—one each semester.

学生 who have been awarded the Nursing or Law loan for the first time or the Balfour, 彼得·杰伊·夏普, or the Bank of America Loan this year must complete 电子游戏软件咨询 and sign a promissory note. 访问ECSI网站了解更多信息. 学生 will receive an email from the ECSI when it is time to sign their documents. Please make sure that your email client does not block communications from ECSI.


私人教育贷款 are loans not guaranteed by the Federal 政府ernment. The borrower (student) may borrow a private educational loan through various banks, 信用合作社, 或者储蓄和贷款协会. There are many different types of private educational loans for different types of borrowers.

These loans are not need based; rather, they are based on creditworthiness. 适用于这些贷款的条款和条件差别很大. 利率等因素, 4月, 期限或还款, 贷款最低及最高限额, and 费用 should be carefully considered when researching and choosing a private educational loan.

许多私人教育贷款的一个特点是能够完全推迟还款,直到你大学毕业. Private educational loans almost always offer lower interest rates than credit cards do.

虽然我们鼓励学生在考虑私人教育贷款之前先申请联邦财政援助, 在许多学生的情况下,私人教育贷款被视为首选的选择. Sometimes it is the convenience of not needing to complete Federal forms to borrow funds. 无论你的情况如何, 只借你需要的东西, 在你借钱之前比较一下你的选择.



There are two types of student employment opportunities available to students, 联邦勤工俭学和校园就业.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a federally-subsidized employment program awarded to domestic students. 在FWS项目下的机会可能在校内或校外,包括社区服务职位. 才有资格领取食物安全服务, 学生必须通过提交某一年的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)来证明联邦经济需求, 并且至少花一半时间或更多时间攻读学位课程. Preference is given to FWS-awarded students since they have demonstrated financial need, 但这并不能保证.

The amount indicated on your financial aid award is the maximum eligibility level, not a guarantee. Actual earnings depend on the hours worked and the pay rate of the position. 许多电子游戏正规平台生平均每周工作10个小时.  收入不记电子游戏软件生的账户, but rather are paid directly to the student in the form of a weekly paycheck. 如果一个学生打两份工, 是否在校园里, 在校外, 和/或社区服务, 两份工作都将获得勤工俭学奖.

如果你不符合FWS的资格或没有申请经济援助, 你可以在校园就业计划下工作. 校园就业是一个单独的选择,允许学生在校园内兼职工作,以帮助支付教育费用. 

在任何一个就业项目中, students may not work more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. During the summer, students may work up to 40 hours per week as permitted. 如需更多职位信息,请访问网站 lidac.net/studentemployment.


雇主援助, 公司, 基金会, 服务组织, 宗教团体, 学校协会, and other organizations that sponsor educational assistance programs are considered outside aid. 我们将根据从您的补充表格或其他通知中收到的信息,在您的经济援助奖励通知中包括这些奖项的估计. 外部援助接受者有责任向本办公室提供奖励通知的副本,并通知我们他们的奖励是否与估计不同. Deferment of payment is possible, provided we have received a copy of the award notification.

你当地的图书馆, 民间组织, and vocational rehabilitation programs are some sources for scholarship information. 你亦可浏览 fastweb.com 获取更多资源.

注意:如果您从外部来源获得资金, 可能会对您的奖励包进行调整,以确保所有资源的总和在您的出勤成本之内. 


电子游戏软件与退伍军人管理局联系,为有资格获得退伍军人教育福利的学生提供服务. 符合条件的学生应通过美国退伍军人事务部申请,以获得资格证书. 申请表格可于网上填写 好处.va.政府 / gibill or by calling the 退伍军人事务部 at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

Once the Certificate of 资格 has been received, the student should contact 琳达Malenfant,学生服务办公室的VA认证官员. 然后,认证官员将向区域处理办公室(RPO)证明学生的注册信息。. RPO将直接向学生支付福利.

For more information on life at 电子游戏软件, visit our 电子游戏软件 Veterans 网站.

电子游戏软件很自豪能够参与后9/11退伍军人法案® 黄丝带计划. 这项奖励是对9/11后退伍军人法案福利的补充, 这标志着电子游戏软件致力于为那些勇敢地为国家服务的人提供福利.

黄丝带计划是2008年9/11后退伍军人教育援助法案的一项规定. 该计划允许美国的高等教育机构(授予学位的机构)自愿与退伍军人协会达成协议,以资助超过州内最高公立本科学费的学费. 该机构最多可以承担这些费用的50%, 退伍军人管理局会和该机构匹配相同的金额.

电子游戏软件已经为黄丝带获得者分配了100个名额. 任何攻读学位课程的学生都有资格申请. 黄丝带计划(YRP)奖学金, 与电子游戏软件奖学金相结合, 联邦援助, 以及其他估计的财政援助, 不能超过出席费用. YRP recipients must maintain good academic standing while receiving the scholarship. Recipients will be eligible to receive the award in subsequent years, 前提是电子游戏软件仍然是YRP的参与者.


  • Served an aggregate period of active duty after September 10, 2001 of at least 36 months
  • 因服役致残光荣退役自9月10日起连续服役30天, 2001
  • 家属是否有资格根据上述资格标准根据《电子游戏软件》获得权利转移

所有本科学校的学生,GA&S, GSOE, GSON, GSSW, CASG将获得6美元,000 Yellow Ribbon scholarship from BC that is matched by the VA with an additional $6,总共12美元,000.

电子游戏软件 is implementing a program for Yellow Ribbon recipients for full-time MBA, 法学院, 和GSSW学生,黄丝带基金将支付这些项目的总学费.

符合条件的退伍军人必须首先填写一份表格.S. 退伍军人事务部, and then submit a Certificate of 资格 to Student Services. For more information on the Yellow Ribbon Bill, including eligibility requirements, visit the U.S. 退伍军人事务部 网站.


退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: 好处.va.政府 / gibill.